Terms of Service

This information page gets linked to every client before I accept their commission.
The client confirms that paying for a commission means that they have read and accepted the information herein.


I only accept payments in USD ($) through Paypal or Ko-fi. All of my listed prices are in USD. If you are outside of the United States, please make sure to do the proper conversions on your end so that you are not surprised by the price on the invoice.Full payment is required after I accept your commission request. After the initial agreement, I will add your name to a waitlist. The status of your commission will stay waitlisted until you provide full payment. Failure to pay the invoice within 48 hours will result in me dropping your commission.The only exception to this is if your commission exceeds $100. In this case, 50% of the payment is required upfront. The rest will be paid once I begin the greyscale render. Payment plans are also an available option, but must be negotiated and properly discussed.Commercial use prices are 2x-3x the original price minimum. Please contact me for more info.Full refunds may be requested if I have not started the commission, or if I decide that I cannot complete your commission indefinitely.NO REFUNDS will be allowed once I begin to work on the greyscale render. Regardless if the client decides they do not like the final product, a refund cannot take place.The client receives multiple work in progress images during the process, to be able to ask for changes. If the client never mentions any problems when seeing the work in progress photos, I will not return the money once the drawing is finished.


Willing to do:- Fan art
- Original Characters
- Humanoids
- Furry
- Light Gore
Unable to do:
- Heavy Gore
- Mecha
- Real People
- Animals
- Complicated armor (if unsure, please contact me)

If the client's preferred method of communication is unavailable, I will reach out via email.I reserve the right to reject the commission request/client without explanation at any point of the commission.If the invoice is not paid 48 hours after I send it, I will cancel the commission without warning.If a general commission client does not respond to my latest question/request for feedback within 48 hours,
or if a rushed commission client does not respond to my latest question/request for feedback within 24 hours
(or less depending on deadline), I will notify the client that I will be continuing the commission stage without their approval and use creative liberty.
Major adjustments, including but not limited to pose, composition, and item placements, cannot be requested once I continue to the next stage. If no communication occurs during the final stage, I will send the final piece as is without the watermark.After you receive the finalized piece, you are allowed THREE SMALL REVISIONS, in which case, please contact me within 24 hours upon receiving the original finalized version.
Small revisions include, but are not limited to, color changes and removing a small item which does not affect the pose.
No physical items will be sent to your location unless otherwise discussed at the start of the commission. The item you will be purchasing is digital only and will only be received through email or your preferred method of communication.Do not edit out my watermark. I am willing to discuss the location of my watermark if requested.Client may upload my art with credits to my Twitter:
“Credit to the artist” is not proper crediting etiquette.
Client may only crop the unedited artwork if it is being used as a banner or icon, but proper credit to my Twitter/Instagram must be included in the bio.


All commissions are personalized items and cannot be exchanged or returned.For private commissions I will only draw non-copyright protected or non-trademarked material. The client is responsible to check if the commission contains such material.Private commissions are for personal and non-commercial use only.The client has the right to use the image freely and distribute it as liked, as long as it is not used commercially, no monetary gain is involved, and no rights are infringed. I will hold onto my rights to the commission as an artist, to reproduce the commissioned image and use it for prints, books, or other merchandise. If the original image was not purchased, I will retain the right to sell it.This means that reselling, minting, redistribution, editing, tracing and claiming the artwork as your own is prohibited.Should the client decide to change or adjust the commissioned works through the use of machine learning or derived technologies, or create derivatives of the commissioned works through the use of machine learning or derived technologies, I will consider this an automatic purchase of exclusive rights and charge the standard fee per artwork. Please inquire about the exact fee for your commission in advance.My works are not allowed to be used as NFTs, or used on the blockchain / blockchain technology, any / all of my works used on blockchain websites and services are infringements and will be reported. Likewise my works are not allowed to be changed or adjusted by machine learning or derived technologies, or for derivatives of my works to be created through the use of above-mentioned technologies.


If the client is disrespectful or violates my terms and conditions, they may be blacklisted from commissioning me. If the client violates my usage terms, they will lose rights to my work.

Thank you for reading!